Monday, September 29, 2008

The Failed Bailout Bill

The House failed to pass the $700 billion bailout bill today which sent the DJIA plummenting 777 points. The largest one day point drop in our history. Many say that if sometype of bailout bill is not passed then we will be seeing the next Great Depression. Stock market crash, job loss, businesses fail, credit dries up, bankruptcy rises, and many loose their homes. Who's fault is it? It is all of our fault, not just Wall Street. Much research has shown that for every $1.00 we make, we spend $1.22. You don't have to be an accountant to figure out that is not good math. What have we been spending the extra $.22 on? Fast Food now takes credit cards, most restaurants do, what about the wide screen TV set, or the computer system. We all need to start conserving our expenses and begin saving again to put this country back on track. It is going to hurt for a while but just think of your parents and grandparents that survived the Great Depression of 1929.

Now that I kinda got this off my chest - I will try to go back and write jokes because that seems to be my theraphy.

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