Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Life Comes At You Fast

Life comes at you fast. Yesterday, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and that caught me completely off guard. I was stunned and when the doctor told me that my blood sugar level was 275 and it should be around 100. After hours of research about the disease, here is what I know. There is going to be a lot of people in Kentucky without a job because I have to substantially curb my bourbon intake. I could bring the economy in the state of Kentucky to a grinding halt. I have sent a letter to the governor of the great state of Kentucky apologizing for this and hope he will let me continue visiting. I hope this doesn't affect the NYSE on Monday morning and the Dow plummets. After many years of supporting the Kentucky economy, I have to quit drinking bourbon and start drinking more water. I have always said that bourbon is just "brown water" but now I have to drink clear water.

Many of you know that I own a "Kentucky" blue Miata with the license plate "Makers." When it is time to renew my license plate, I guess I will have to change it to "No More Maker's" or "Sober." I am even thinking of changing my dog's name from Maker's to "Dog. Life comes at you fast……..

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