Just a little over a week before busy season comes to a close. Everyone is tired and their stress levels are at all time highs. When stress levels are this high, productivity tends to decline. Take a quick 5 minute break and play a game of ZIP-ZAP-ZOP. What, you never heard of this instant stress reliever? Here are the rules of the game:
Everyone stands in a circle. One person quickly claps and points at another, while saying "zip." The person who received the "zip" then claps and points at another, while saying "zap." That person then claps and points to someone while saying "z

The goal is to pass the words and energy around as quickly as possible, which is harder than it seems. Many theatre companies use this as a warm-up before going on stage, to establish teamwork and to encourage quick thinking. Don't give up! Eventually, the group will begin to go at lightning speed. (http://www.interplaytheatre.com/Games/ZipZapZop.html)
Don't have the time, no worries. When you pass someone in your office give them a quick ZAP or get a ZIP, ZAP, ZOP game going through email. I started an email game this morning with some of my colleagues who are in public accounting.
No matter how you institute the game, what you will observe are smiles, laughter, and see the stress level drop dramatically and instantly. When stress drops, productivity increases.
Hang in there.